Sahit Muja |
Sahit Muja: Obama's impact on economy: Only 1 of 187 people can find a job in US
U.S. employers added only 80000 jobs in June, a third straight month of weak hiring that shows the economy is struggling.
The nation's 15 million unemployed Americans are desperate for a leader with true experience
President Obama has nothing to offer. He has no plan to help get the economy growing again. He has no ideas to create jobs. His initiatives are largely rhetorical.
The Presidents and Congress can have a tremendous impact on the job creation environment. The intrusive regulations has a definite negative influence on job creation.
The political Unions and labor disputes has negative impact on the willingness of companies to invest in new plant construction and job creation.
The political Unions and labor disputes has negative impact on the willingness of companies to invest in new plant construction and job creation.
Taxes as a redistributive tool, as opposed to a revenue raising mechanism, dampens the inclination of those with capital to invest and grow the economy.
An Administration that spends money like a drunken sailor, borrowing half of it, has a definite negative influence on job creation .
An Administration that spends money like a drunken sailor, borrowing half of it, has a definite negative influence on job creation .
President Obama constantly paints those who put their individual wealth at risk (investing) as "the enemy", and advocates marginal tax rates on success of such ventures, is likely to chase investment capital off-shore or into 'safe' investment vehicles, that do little to create wealth, grow our economy and stimulate job creation.
President and his allies on the Hill cannot 'create jobs', their actions can certainly, and most assuredly do have an impact on growth and job creation.
It's just too bad that this President and his Party are so blind to this reality.
Unfortunately Americans are now caught in President Obama's political trap.
We have near 50 million people on food stamps and 15 million unemployed Americans.
President Obama has exploded the national debt and shown no interest in presenting a budget which seriously addresses the debt.
President Obama has exploded the national debt and shown no interest in presenting a budget which seriously addresses the debt.
Gas prices have doubled. Inflation is rising. Unemployment has been higher, longer, than in any time in history.
President Obama is unable to run on a legitimate record of accomplishment and has initiated a class warfare campaign.
Never before has an American President so purposefully pitted one group of citizens against another.
The half of Americans presently pay no income taxes, and the wealthiest Americans pay almost all of the income taxes collected by the government.
The half of Americans presently pay no income taxes, and the wealthiest Americans pay almost all of the income taxes collected by the government.
For the President to pander to his supporters by suggesting that “the rich” need to pay even more, is disgusting.
America needs a reality check to stop buying into Obama and the left fantasy.
This isn't rocket science folks.
The reality is just how Hillary Clinton described it when she ran against Obama in the primaries: " Obama is way out of his depth as president".
The reality is just how Hillary Clinton described it when she ran against Obama in the primaries: " Obama is way out of his depth as president".
Obama is likable, he seems to be a great family man, and he has had a distinguished career but he is way out of his depth as a president.
It's time for this country to move on and end this recession by electing a president who knows what he's doing.
It's time for this country to move on and end this recession by electing a president who knows what he's doing.
Sahit Muja
President and CEO
Albanian Minerals
New York
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